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4 ways to kick your sugar addiction

13th April 2016

Sugar. Addictive stuff, isn’t it? We just can’t seem to get enough of it, even though we know that too much of the sweet stuff can harm our weight, liver, brain & teeth. And the reason for this is that when we eat sugar, our bodies release dopamine, which makes us happy and therefore we crave more.

Don’t worry, we’re not saying that you should cut out sugar altogether but its important to have a balanced diet and regulate your intake, with these 4 tips:

1. Read the ingredients

Take a bit of extra time in the shops to read the ingredients on the products you are buying. Read the sugar content percentage and now this is made easier in some supermarkets, as they have a traffic light system, so you can easier check without having to skim read the whole label.

2. Get sugar smart

The government have recently launched an app called Change4Life, a handy place where you can check how much sugar in something and see what sugar swaps they suggest. For example the app will give you a healthier alternative to replace your usual sugary snack.

3. Think before you eat

A dip in your energy levels often means that you are dehydrated, however dehydration causes you to think you need to eat, when all you need is a glass of water or two.

coconut sugar pic

4. Try natural sugar alternatives

Processed foods like ready meals and supermarket bought sauces etc tend to have a lot of sugar, so try making your own sauces at home. They will taste better and make you feel better.

However, we know what you’re thinking – what about baking? When baking, try to avoid using white sugar such as refined sugars, as they have gone through a chemical process that removes its natural minerals and nutrients to give it a longer shelf life. Therefore swap it for natural, unrefined sugars, like raw honey, maple syrup, coconut palm sugar etc. However, even though they aren’t as bad for you as refined sugar, make sure you still enjoy them in moderation!

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